Thursday, August 14, 2008

We used the red crayon a lot...

So our journey into the world of China and the Olympic is under way. We started earlier this week reading our new China books and talking about what the Olympics are - games!

Today we "checked off" some of our unit study plan. I forgot how much I enjoy the Enchanted Learning's site. I was able to find even more information to add to our plan today - like our study of the animals that are indigenous to China.

Social Studies
  • Locate China on the map
  • Color the Chinese flag
  • Find out names written in Chinese - we even found out what our last name would look like

  • Discuss the symbols of the Olympics - flag, emblem, wreath (we colored our own wreath), flame
  • Color the Olympic rings
Brian is getting really good at coloring (I was really worried about his perfectionism and not wanting to color b/c he didn't want to ruin the picture)
  • Learn about different animals that are native to China.We also read our books - even Colin read to himself as the bigger boys and I were talking about China and the Olympics.
In addition to our unit study work, the boys also worked with their movable alphabet today - self directed I must add. We also went online to Starfall and both boys read all 15 of the stories they have in the learning to read section. Sean's reading was much smoother, but I really got a chance to see Brian shine some in this area.


Anonymous said...

This is really neat! :) I wondered if you have seen: ? They have free backgrounds...some REALLY cool ones for school! :) Just thought you might be interested!

Carissa said...

What a great idea! I think we're going to have to fit in a China unit study now.