I talked about making a cake of the Olympic Flag for the closing of the Olympics. So, life got in the way, and the cake didn't get made on Sunday. Instead, we had the "3-days After the Close of the Olympics" party last night.
Brian and Sean helped me add the ingredients to the cake mixture and mix them all together. After the cake was done baking and I had frosted it, they helped me add the "nem 'n nems" (as Brian calls them - or M&Msto the rest of the world!) As you can see, the boys were really more interested in eating the M&Ms and the frosting. That would be Sean's hand sneaking a taste!
Brian told me last night that this was the best cake he has ever had - it was incredible (his new favorite word of choice)! We had a lot of fun learning about China and the Olympics and this was a sweet way to end our unit.
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