Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dumplings are White

In keeping with our study of China and the Olympics, we ordered Chinese food for dinner. Of course I really didn't expect my finicky eaters to actually eat the Chinese food. I ordered the special "Chinese Chicken Nuggets" for the boys to eat for dinner. However, in a nod to the Chinese, I ordered them with a side of fried rice instead of french fries - how international are we? Brian and Sean enjoyed "using" their chopsticks. Brian actually spent the majority of the meal trying to figure out how to pick up his chicken nugget with the chopsticks. Sean, of course went right to his fingers!

I was surprised that both Brian and Sean asked me where the dumplings were. In Red is a Dragon, when the book talks about the color white it refers to dumplings. I showed my dumpling to them and asked them if they wanted to try it. Brian said no thank you, but Sean asked me if he could smell it. Then he said "It doesn't smell like a dumpling." Um, how exactly would you know what a dumpling smells like?

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